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If Statement combined with InputBox

here is what I am trying to do:

The file is supposed to save itself according to the user's input and even if there is an input at all. Meaning, if a user has not made any inputs yet, the IF-Statement should return the first part (thats why UserName = ""). But if a user had previously already entered something, I want it to return the second part of the IF-Statement.

The original name of the file is 20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_00_ and if Jack is the first person to open that document and create a protocol, the name is supposed to be: 20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_00_Jack and only asking for Jack's Name. If Jack wants Steve to go over this document, then word should realize, Jack already saved this document (entered his initials or his name) and it will ask Steve which version this document is currently being on and add Steve behind Jack. Meaning: 20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_01_JackSteve while Steve only entered his name and 1.

I am a newbie & your help is much appreciated! Here is my code:

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim FilePath As String
Dim Filename As String
Dim MyDate As String
Dim UserName As String

If UserName = "" Then

    FilePath = "//SRVDC\Arbeitsordner\Intern\Meetings\Entwürfe\"
    MyDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
    Filename1 = "_Besprechungsnotizen_i_00_"
    UserName = InputBox("Wer erstellt? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")

    ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FilePath & MyDate & Filename1 & UserName


    FilePath = "//SRVDC\Arbeitsordner\Intern\Meetings\Entwürfe\"
    MyDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
    Filename1 = "_Besprechungsnotizen_i_0"
    Filename2 = "_"
    UserName = InputBox("Wer bearbeitet? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
    Version = InputBox("Welche Version? (in ganzen Zahlen)")

    ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FilePath & MyDate & Filename1 & Version & Filename2 & UserName
End If

End Sub


  • Try this:

    Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
        Const FilePath As String = "//SRVDC\Arbeitsordner\Intern\Meetings\Entwürfe\"
        Const OrigFileName As String = "20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_00_"
        Dim Filename As String: Filename = "_Besprechungsnotizen_i_0"
        Dim MyDate As String: MyDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
        Dim UserName As String
        Dim Version As String
        If Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0) = OrigFileName Then
            'file has not been resaved
            'file has been saved before so extract data from filename
            Dim nameElements As Variant
            nameElements = Split(Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0), "_")
            UserName = nameElements(UBound(nameElements))
            Version = nameElements(UBound(nameElements) - 1)
        End If
        If UserName = "" Then
            UserName = InputBox("Wer erstellt? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
            Version = "0_"
            Dim currentUser As String
            currentUser = InputBox("Wer bearbeitet? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
            If currentUser = UserName Then
                'you need to figure out what you want to do in this case
                'you also need to figure out what you want to do when you already have two names
                UserName = UserName & currentUser
            End If
            'do you really need to prompt the user for the version number?
            'couldn't you just increment the existing number, e.g.
            'Version = Format$(Version + 1, "00")
            Version = InputBox("Welche Version? (in ganzen Zahlen)") & "_"
        End If
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FilePath & MyDate & Filename & Version & UserName
    End Sub