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Updating webclient response from database

I have situation where I can't update column at database. The problem is that only method setIsPurchased is executed and the flag is_purchase at SQL table changed to true, but the next line with setPurchasedDate which has to set current time is not executed. The response from database is Mono<Void> type.

fun purchase(uuid: UUID, request: PurchaseInternalRequest) =
            .doOnNext { it.validateNotPurchased() }
            .flatMap { purchaseViaSupplier(it, request) }
            .flatMap { extraProductTransactionService.setIsPurchased(uuid) }
            .flatMap { extraProductTransactionService.setPurchasedDate(uuid) }
            .onErrorMap( { Exception(it.status) }

Queries for those two method are simple and looks like:

For setIsPurchased:

update extra_product_transactions SET is_purchased = 1 where uuid = :uuid

For setPurchasedDate:

update extra_product_transactions SET purchased_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where uuid = :uuid


  • A Mono<Void> by essence never emits an element onNext(). Having said that, .flatMap { extraProductTransactionService.setPurchasedDate(uuid) } is never invoked.

    I assume you are not interested in the return values of the set methods so you can do something like:

    fun purchase(uuid: UUID, request: PurchaseInternalRequest) =
            .doOnNext { it.validateNotPurchased() }
            .flatMap { purchaseViaSupplier(it, request) }
            .flatMap { 
            .onErrorMap( { Exception(it.status) }