I am very lost on the steps with gcloud verse docker. I have some gradle code that built a docker image and I see it in images like so
(base) Deans-MacBook-Pro:stockstuff-all dean$ docker images
gcr.io/prod-stock-bot/stockstuff latest b041e2925ee5 27 minutes ago 254MB
I am unclear if I need to run docker push or not or if I can go strait to gcloud run deploy so I try a docker push like so
(base) Deans-MacBook-Pro:stockstuff-all dean$ docker push gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository [gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff]
An image does not exist locally with the tag: gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff
I have no idea why it says the image doesn't exist locally when I keep listing the image. I move on to just trying gcloud run deploy like so
(base) Deans-MacBook-Pro:stockstuff-all dean$ gcloud run deploy stockstuff --project prod-stock-bot --region us-west1 --image gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff --platform managed
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [stockstuff] in project [prod-stock-bot] region [us-west1]
X Deploying... Image 'gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff' not found.
X Creating Revision... Image 'gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff' not found.
. Routing traffic...
Deployment failed
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) Image 'gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff' not found.
I am doing this all as a playground project and can't seem to even get a cloud run deploy up and running.
I tried the spring example but that didn't even create a docker image and it failed anyways with
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) Missing required argument [--image]: Requires a container image to deploy (e.g. `gcr.io/cloudrun/hello:latest`) if no build source is provided.
This error occurs when an image is not tagged locally/correctly. Steps you can try on your side.
$ docker tag stockstuff:latest gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff:latest
$ gcloud container images list --repository gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot
gcloud run deploy stockstuff --project prod-stock-bot --region us-west1 --image gcr.io/prod-stockstuff-bot/stockstuff --platform managed