Based on document from Microsoft
-Source - Specify the local source file path which will be upload to a Datalake Gen2 file.
Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True
Accept wildcard characters: False <-- no wildcard?
The doc also provided an example
PS C:\> $task = New-AzDataLakeGen2Item -FileSystem "testfilesystem" -Path "dir1/dir2/file1" -Source "c:\sourcefile.txt" -Force -asjob
Then what if I'd like to send all files under a directory, so that
-Source "c:\temp\*" <-- wildcard not allowed
-Source "c:\temp\" <-- "Could not find file..."
instead of
-Source "c:\sourcefile.txt"
I don't think you will be able to upload multiple files using New-AzDataLakeGen2Item
You can however make use of azcopy
tool to upload multiple files. Based on the documentation, it supports copy files from local to ADLS Gen2 account (and vice-versa) among other things.
Please see this link for more details: