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Flutter: get past purchases on Android

I'm refactoring in_app_purchases and I'm trying to get the past purchases. According to the documentation:

The InAppPurchaseConnection.queryPastPurchases method has been removed. Instead, you should use InAppPurchase.restorePurchases. This method emits each restored purchase on the InAppPurchase.purchaseStream, the PurchaseDetails object will be marked with a status of PurchaseStatus.restored

But the example they provide doesn't get the past purchases, it adds the one you buy at that moment.

I moved from this:

final QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse purchaseResponse =
        await _connection.queryPastPurchases();

to this:

final Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> purchaseUpdated = inAppPurchase.purchaseStream;


I tried the above but the list is empty and for sure my user has purchases as I can show here when I try to buy the same version I bought before: enter image description here

How could get a List from previous purchases?


  • You have to listen to the purchaseStream like this code in the example:

        final Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> purchaseUpdated =
        _subscription = purchaseUpdated.listen((purchaseDetailsList) {
        }, onDone: () {
        }, onError: (error) {
          // handle error here.

    All the purchased items will be added to this stream, so you need to add all the results to your list like below:

        final List<PurchaseDetails> purchasedList = [];
        final Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> purchaseUpdated =
        _subscription = purchaseUpdated.listen((purchaseDetailsList) {
        }, onDone: () {
        }, onError: (error) {
          // handle error here.

    Now you can use purchasedList as previous purchases. By the way, all the newly purchased items will be also added to that stream and purchasedList.

    UPDATE: After the above steps, you need to call _inAppPurchase.restorePurchases() to get the previous purchases, all the previous purchases will be added to purchasedList by the purchaseStream.