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Slow Update Statement with Linked Server

The linked server is to a database on the same instance. The reason the linked server is there is because the database is on another availability group on the instance.

If the availability groups are on the same node, the behavior is the same, and the update runs for over 30 seconds.

UPDATE LINK.database.dbo.TBL2


  • As @GarethD correctly states, joining across linked servers is a pit of despair.

    The safe path is to always be explicit about how you push data around between Linked Servers. You can efficiently pull from a linked server with SELECT, and you can push bulk data to a linked server with JSON or XML. So I would try something like this (here everything is in TempDb accessed over a loopback linked server but you get the idea):

    use tempdb
    drop table if exists TBL_Pick 
    drop table if exists TBL2
    create table TBL2(RECNUM INT,[DATE] date, QTY int)
    insert into TBL2(RECNUM, [DATE],QTY) values (1,'9/9/2021',0)
    insert into TBL2(RECNUM, [DATE],QTY) values (2,'9/9/2021',0)
    insert into TBL2(RECNUM, [DATE],QTY) values (3,'9/9/2021',0)
    insert into TBL2(RECNUM, [DATE],QTY) values (4,'9/9/2021',0)
    create table TBL_Pick(CompanyCode varchar(200), ID int, recnum int, PickQty int)
    insert into TBL_Pick(CompanyCode,ID,recnum,PickQty) values ('99',999,1,2)
    insert into TBL_Pick(CompanyCode,ID,recnum,PickQty) values ('99',999,2,3)
    insert into TBL_Pick(CompanyCode,ID,recnum,PickQty) values ('99',999,3,5)
    declare @pick nvarchar(max) = 
     FROM TBL_Pick 
     WHERE CompanyCode = '99' AND ID = 999 
     for json path
    select *
    from openjson(@pick)
             RECNUM int, 
             PickQty int
           ) p
    exec LOOPBACK.tempdb.sys.sp_executesql N'
    with q as
      select t.Date, t.Qty, p.PickQty 
      from TBL2 t
      join openjson(@pick)
             RECNUM int, 
             PickQty int
           ) p
         on p.RECNUM = t.RECNUM
      where t.DATE = ''9/9/2021''
    UPDATE q
    SET Qty = PickQty',
        N'@pick nvarchar(max)',
        @pick = @pick;
    select * from tbl2