How do I pre-open (initialize as open) a React Bootstrap Popover? I have the following which works in the initial closed state,
const popoverApproverNewAgreement = (
<Popover id="popover-approverNewAgreement">
<Popover.Title as="h3"></Popover.Title>
Some text
<OverlayTrigger trigger="click" rootClose placement="bottom" overlay={popoverApproverNewAgreement}>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" className="more-info">
<i className="fas fa-question-circle" aria-label="more information">
I couldn't get it to work with OverlayTrigger
but succeeded with the more generic Overlay
which takes a show={..}
so that you can show/hide with a state variable.
requires a target ref
as below.
// Ref for Link or Button triggering overlay (required for <Overlay> usage)
const refLink = useRef(null);
// State variable
const [overlayOpen, setOverlayOpen] = useState(true); // Initially open
<a ref={refLink} href="javascript:void(0)" onClick={() => setOverlayOpen(!overlayOpen)}>
<i className="fas fa-question-circle" aria-label="more information">
<Overlay target={refLink.current} show={overlayOpen}
onHide={() => setOverlayOpen(false)} rootClose placement="bottom">