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The "Actions" tab on GitHub is missing

I'm trying to create a GitHub action, but the "Actions" tab doesn't exist in my repository:

Image of Missing Actions tab

This GitHub documentation page advised navigating to the "Settings" tab, then selecting "Actions" from the left sidebar and enabling them.

Image of missing Actions tab from Settings tab

My next thought was that my organization disabled actions, so I followed the steps on this GitHub documentation page about managing actions for your organization. But again, I go to Your organizations -> Settings and look for "Actions" in the left sidebar, and it's nowhere to be found.

Image of missing Actions tab from organization settings

Then I think that maybe I'm missing Admin privileges, so I check the "People" tab under my organization, and I'm an "Owner," which my research tells me is the same as Admin.

Image of Owner Privileges

So here we are. Any ideas as to why the Actions tab is missing from everywhere in my organization?


  • While I wasn't able to solve my problem, I'm going to mark it as resolved - see GuiFalourd's comment about configuring Blob storage (references here and here). I don't think my organization has a GitHub Enterprise Server account, and it looks like you need to pay extra for services like that. So while I can't solve the problem myself, hopefully this points someone with the same problem in the right direction.