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In C#, How can I dynamically pass T into services.AddHostedService<T>()?

I have a webservice with multiple hosted services.

I want to be able to turn them on and off through "appSettings.json".

In "StartUp.cs", I populate an instance of

    public class HostedServiceSettings
        public StateOfUse BuildMontageTasks { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse BuildTasksFromFileCreations { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse BusinessEventPuller { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse FieldServiceAppointmentChanges { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse MvtBriefingCleanupLoop { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse SfCacheFileListener { get; init; }
        public StateOfUse TaskWorker { get; init; }

StateOfUse is this enum:

    public enum StateOfUse

and each property corresponds to a hosted service.

Back in the StartUp class, I've added the following method:

        private void AddHostedServices(IServiceCollection services)
            HostedServiceSettings settings = Configure<HostedServiceSettings>(services, "HostedServices");
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(HostedServiceSettings).GetProperties())
                StateOfUse stateOfUse = (StateOfUse)property.GetValue(settings);
                if (stateOfUse.IsActive())
                    string hostedServiceName = $"PraxedoIntegration.{property.Name}HostedService";
                    Type hostedServiceType = Type.GetType(hostedServiceName);

                    Type type = typeof(IServiceCollection);
                    MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("IServiceCollection.AddHostedService");
                    MethodInfo genericMethod = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(hostedServiceType);
                    genericMethod.Invoke(services, null);

This fails because MethodInfo methodInfo resolves to null and thus an exception will be thrown in the next line. The method IServiceCollection.AddHostedService<THostedService>() is a static method inculded in "Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions" in the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace in public static class ServiceCollectionHostedServiceExtensions. (I don't use nameof in the code because that is not supported for extension methods. :-( )

Is it possible to access this method through generics? If so, how?


  • Figured out I could solve the problem most simply by wrapping the extension method in a local method, like:

            private void AddHostedServices(IServiceCollection services)
                HostedServiceSettings settings = Configure<HostedServiceSettings>(services, "HostedServices");
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(HostedServiceSettings).GetProperties())
                    StateOfUse stateOfUse = (StateOfUse)property.GetValue(settings);
                    if (stateOfUse.IsActive())
                        string hostedServiceName = $"PraxedoIntegration.{property.Name}HostedService";
                        Type hostedServiceType = Type.GetType(hostedServiceName);
                        Type type = typeof(Startup);
                        MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("AddHostedService");
                        MethodInfo genericMethod = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(hostedServiceType);
                        genericMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { services });
            // Needed as a work-arround because we can't call the extension method with reflection.
            public IServiceCollection AddHostedService<THostedService>(IServiceCollection services)
                where THostedService : class, IHostedService =>

    Alternative, it's been drawn to my attention, in this instance, the implementation details for AddHostedService() are known and it is simply a wrapper (arguably "syntactic sugar") for AddTransient(), so I could avoid the reflection by doing this:

            private void AddHostedServices(IServiceCollection services)
                HostedServiceSettings settings = Configure<HostedServiceSettings>(services, "HostedServices");
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(HostedServiceSettings).GetProperties())
                    StateOfUse stateOfUse = (StateOfUse)property.GetValue(settings);
                    if (stateOfUse.IsActive())
                        string hostedServiceName = $"PraxedoIntegration.{property.Name}HostedService";
                        Type hostedServiceType = Type.GetType(hostedServiceName);
                        services.AddTransient(typeof(IHostedService), hostedServiceType);