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SF Symbols acting weird with Constraints

I basically have this SF Symbol: chevron.left, and I want to get the width and height of this symbol, which I did like this:

public func getSize() -> CGSize {
    let size = self.imgView!.size
    return size

This is how I generate the SF Symbol:

   systemName: name,
   withConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(textStyle: .title1))?

I expect the size of the UIImage, which is inside a UIButton to be equal to UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1).pointSize, but, instead the height of the SF Symbol is bigger than what I expect it to be.

for .title1 the height should be 28 points, instead it's 33.3333 points, this is a strange behaviour.


*I'm using width and height anchors to constraint the width and the height of the button to the size I receive from getSize()

*contentMode is equal to .scaleAspectFit

*clipToBounds is true, I've tried with false as well, same result.


  • According to @DonMag in the comments of my post, it's actually an issue with SF Symbols. They've linked an answer(from them in the past), this is the link to that:

    Custom UIImageView is not circle inside custom UITableViewCell

    All props to them.