I'm working through the first iteration of the Plutus Pioneer Lectures, and the code for lecture 6 that gets the exchange rate from coinmarketcap.com returns a 403 error:
getExchangeRate = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
v <- req
(https "coinmarketcap.com" /: "currencies" /: "cardano")
let priceRegex = "priceValue___11gHJ\">\\$([\\.0-9]*)" :: ByteString
(_, _, _, [bs]) = responseBody v =~ priceRegex :: (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, [ByteString])
d = read $ unpack bs :: Double
x = round $ 1_000_000 * d
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "queried exchange rate: " ++ show d
return x
if I try the same url in curl with the -L option to follow redirects, it works:
curl -i -L 'https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cardano'
The only difference I can see is that the Haskell code's request is HTTP/1.1
, but the curl request is being sent with HTTP/2
I'd like to change the version of HTTP that the Haskell library is sending, in order to check if this is the problem. However, I'm a relative newbie to Haskell, so I haven't been able to figure out if there's a way with the Haskell Network.HTTP.Req module to set the HTTP version.
Is there a way to do this?
I believe coinmarketcap.com is blocking requests that don't have a User-Agent
header specified. You can do that like this:
getExchangeRate = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
v <- req
(https "coinmarketcap.com" /: "currencies" /: "cardano")
(header "User-Agent" "my-app/")
let priceRegex = "priceValue___11gHJ\">\\$([\\.0-9]*)" :: ByteString
(_, _, _, [bs]) = responseBody v =~ priceRegex :: (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, [ByteString])
d = read $ unpack bs :: Double
x = round $ 1_000_000 * d
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "queried exchange rate: " ++ show d
return x
With this code the request finishes correctly but I run into a pattern match error. It seems the priceValue___11gHJ
regex doesn't work anymore.