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ConvertAPI : Upload doc as stream to convert to PDF returns garbled data

I have a code which gets byte array from my database and sends it to convertAPI to convert it as PDF.

When I download the doc as is it works fine (so no issue with the byte[] or document), but when I send the stream to ConvertAPI the resultant PDF is all garbled and has more than 200 pages (the doc only has 1 page). the document does contain image and Chinese text.

here is my code (application is written in C# web api):

var convertApi = new ConvertApi("<my key>");
var stream = new MemoryStream(documents[0].content);
var convertToPdf = await convertApi.ConvertAsync("doc", "pdf",
                new ConvertApiFileParam(stream, "test.doc")
var outputStream = await convertToPdf.Files[0].FileStreamAsync();


  • Works fine, try to copy to the stream and set stream position to 0;

                var convertApi = new ConvertApi("secret");
                    var stream = new MemoryStream();
                    using (var file = new FileStream(@"..\..\..\..\examples\TestFiles\test.docx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        await file.CopyToAsync(stream);
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    var convertToPdf = await convertApi.ConvertAsync("docx", "pdf",
                        new ConvertApiFileParam(stream, "test.docx")
                    var outputStream = await convertToPdf.Files.First().FileStreamAsync();
                    Console.Write(new StreamReader(outputStream).ReadToEnd());
                    Console.WriteLine("End of file stream.");
                catch (ConvertApiException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.StatusCode);
                    Console.WriteLine("Response: " + e.Response);