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Reactiveui, Conflict between System.Reactive and System.Reactive.Core

I am using reactiveui 10.5.7 in my wpf project .net framework 4.6.1. i am trying to use the reactiveui.validation 2.1.1 package, but after i installed the package i get a TypeLoadException that the DispatcherScheduler could not be loaded. after reading on past issues on the subject, the reason for this error is because the DispatcherScheduler has moved to a nuget package rx-xaml. after installing the package, i get a conflict between the System.Reactive and System.Reactive.Core

how to fix this confilct?

thanks in advance.


  • I looked at nuget portal and ReactiveUI.Validation in version 2.1.1 depends on ReactiveUI in min version 13.1.1. It looks like you are mixing incompatible libraries. With your current ReactiveUI version, you can use ReactiveUI.Validation in version 1.4.1.