I'm trying to do a waffle chart for the championships won by F1 drivers so far. The chart comes out good but it comes out with alphabetical labels. I want it to start from the most titles won to the least.
I've tried ordering and fct_relevel. But nothing works. Below is the code
ggplot(data = dfc, aes(fill=Champions, values=one)) +
geom_waffle(color = "cornsilk", size=0.25, n_rows=7)+
facet_wrap(~Champions, nrow = 3, strip.position = "bottom",labeller = label_wrap_gen(6))
And this is the result I'm looking for.
You can find the entire code here
The dataset looks like
Season Champions Team one
1 a x 1
2 a x 1
3 b y 1
4 a x 1
5 c z 1
Here's a solution using forcats
(also part of the tidyverse
orders factors according to their frequency in the data, and you can use that to specify the ordering of the levels in your data.
dfc$Champions <- factor(dfc$Champions, levels=levels(fct_infreq(dfc$Champions)))
ggplot(data = dfc, aes(fill=Champions, values=one)) +
geom_waffle(color = "cornsilk", size=0.25, n_rows=7) +
facet_wrap(~Champions, nrow = 3, strip.position = "bottom", labeller = label_wrap_gen(6))