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Need help in swagger UI genration on my go program

I am new to Golang and APIs.

We have service file which contains

getBookHistory(context Context, book string)([]*model.lookuprecord, error){
//some code

in my rest.go (handler)

// GetBookHistoryLookup godoc
// @Summary Shows historic detailed  Info.
// @Description get history details from the  table in the database.
// @Param book path string true "book"
// @Produce  json
// @Success 200 {object} iModel.LookupRecord
// @Router /history/{book} [get] 
func(h handler) GetBookHistoryLookup(c echo.Context){
//some code

I am using lib.

It produces a swaggerUI but the response is null for this get service. I can see the return type is array and need to change to the line

// @Success 200 {object} iModel.LookupRecord



  • // @Success 200 {object} iModel.LookupRecord

    to be replaced with

    // @Success 200 {object} []iModel.LookupRecord