I have few database views which are exposed as REST API end points. The current implementation is where once a view is added we add Rails code like
The downside of this approach is we need to add code to the app every time we add a database view, sometimes this is also not instantaneous which is another problem.
Is there a way, probably by using Meta Programming
or something else we are able to query the database to get the list of views and generate the necessary routes and code to return a valid response.
Below is the relevant part of the code
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
# a new will go in here
class Api::V1::LeasesController < Api::V1::ApplicationController
api :GET, '/leases', "Retrieve paginated well month data"
param :authentication_token, String, "Token for authentication"
def index
result = Api::Lease.ransack(params[:q]).result.page(params[:page]).per(10000)
render json: result.to_json
class Api::Lease < ExternalRecord
self.table_name = 'View_Leases' #View in External Postgres server
Is there a way, probably by using Meta Programming or something else we are able to query the database to get the list of views and generate the necessary routes and code to return a valid response.
Yes, but the actual implementation depends on the database in use. On Postgres you can get a list of the views by querying pg_catalog.pg_views
pg_views = Arel::Table.new('pg_catalog.pg_views')
query = pg_views.project(:schemaname, :viewname)
pg_views[:schemaname].in('pg_catalog', 'information_schema').not
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(query)
# ...
But a framework change is in order here. Does a view necissarily need to correspond to its own route or could you create a better RESTful design?
If you are for example listing by year/month you could easily setup a single route which covers it:
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :leases do
get '/leases/by_month/:year/:month', as: :by_month, action: :by_month
Absolutely. Classes in Ruby are first-class objects and you can create them with Class.new
# Setup a base class for shared behavior
class ApplicationView < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
str = 'Foo'
model = Class.new(ApplicationView) do |klass|
# do your model specific thing here...
# Classes get their name by being assigned to a constant
ApplicationView.const_set(str, model)
ApplicationView::Foo.all # SELECT * FROM foos;
ActiveRecord and ActiveModel don't really like anonymous classes (classes that are not assigned to a constant) since they do a bunch of assumptions based on the class name. Here we are nesting the constants in ApplicationView simply to avoid namespace crashes.
Another methods thats sometimes used in libary code is to create a string containing the code to define the class and eval it.
You can also setup a single model that queries different tables/views.
Yes. But you shouldn't need it. You can simply create generic controllers that can handle a variety of models. Remember that the idea that a controller corresponds to a single model is just a convention that applies in trivial cases.