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How to disable css module file suffix ".module" in Next.js config?

I use css modules in 100% of cases, so why write the word .module in the file name every time? If I were manually configuring webpack I would change this suffix, but how do I do it in next.js?


  • I struggled with same problem and after a few hours, I found a solution. If you want to use css-modules in 100 % cases, you must edit webpack config in your next.config.js:

    I did is by this code:

    const isTwoRegexEqual = (x, y) => {
       return (
          x instanceof RegExp &&
          y instanceof RegExp &&
          x.source === y.source &&
 === &&
          x.ignoreCase === y.ignoreCase &&
          x.multiline === y.multiline
    const getConfigToAcceptSassFilesWithoutModuleSuffix = (config) => {
       return {
          module: {
             rules: => {
                if (rule.oneOf) {
                   return {
                      oneOf: => {
                         if (
                            (!Array.isArray(loaderSettings.test) && isTwoRegexEqual(loaderSettings.test, /\.module\.(scss|sass)$/))
                            || (Array.isArray(loaderSettings.test) && loaderSettings.test.filter((test) => isTwoRegexEqual(test, /(?<!\.module)\.(scss|sass)$/ )).length > 0)
                         ) {
                            return {
                               test: /\.(scss|sass)$/,
                         return loaderSettings;
                return rule;