Given following mongoshell query - which works fine
'$match': {
'id': '1'
}, {
'$graphLookup': {
'from': 'pages',
'startWith': '$cID',
'connectFromField': 'parent',
'connectToField': 'cID',
'as': 'result',
'depthField': 'level'
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$result',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
}, {
'$sort': {
'result.level': 1
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': '$id',
'result': {
'$push': '$result'
}, {
'$project': {
'result': {
'id': 1,
'cID': 1,
'level': 1
How do I achieve the projection using the Spring MongoTemplate and the its given DSL?
Given the source and the AggregationTests
provided by the github repo, I could be
which just returns an empty result list.
I didn't come up with a solution to make it work with the MongoTemplate
directly. As I'm already using the MongoRepository
given by Spring Data, creating an aggregation query is quite straightforward.
public interface Repository extends MongoRepository<Object, String> {
@Aggregation(pipeline = {
"{'$match': {'cID': '?0'}}",
"{'$graphLookup': {'from': 'pages', 'startWith': '$cID', 'connectFromField': 'cID', 'connectToField': 'parent', 'as': 'result', 'depthField': 'level'}}",
"{'$unwind': {'path': '$result', 'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true}}",
"{'$sort': {'result.level': -1}}",
"{'$group': {'_id': '$id', 'result': {'$push': '$result'}}}",
"{'$project': {'cID_list': '$result.cID', 'result': {'level': 1, 'cID': 1, 'id': 1}}}"
AggregationResults<Map<?, List<String>>> getChildrencIDs(final String cID);