I am making a flutter app and I need an Auth provider that will deal with auth things like holding user data, functions for refreshing token etc.
I wish to use this provider inside of my other providers to check if user is logged in before trying to make an api call, and I have stumbled upon ProxyProvider and ChangeNotifierProxyProvider, but I keep getting this error "Error: Could not find the correct Provider above this _InheritedProviderScope Widget".
This is part of my main.dart:
providers: [
create: (ctx) {
AuthProvider auth = AuthProvider();
lazy: false,
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<AuthProvider, BookingProvider>(
create: (ctx) => BookingProvider(),
update: (ctx, authProvider, bookingProvider) => bookingProvider!..updateAuth(authProvider),
child: MaterialApp(...
And here is here I get that error:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
BookingProvider bookingProvider = Provider.of<BookingProvider>(context);
return Container();
This screen in under MultiProvider widget in main.dart, and I had no issues with this provider in it before using ChangeNotifierProxyProvider.
Maybe this isn't the best solution since I am still new to flutter, so please if there is a better way let me know.
create: (ctx) {
AuthProvider auth = AuthProvider();
return auth;
lazy: false,
Solved it, was missing return auth; in create function.