I reviewed the sympy documentation and did not find such a thing. Using the simplify method, sqrt(x**2) does not change.
I presume you are hoping that sqrt(x**2)
will simplify to x
. The problem is that this is not a valid simplification in general e.g.:
In [23]: z = -1
In [24]: z**2
Out[24]: 1
In [25]: sqrt(z**2)
Out[25]: 1
In [26]: sqrt(z**2) == z
Out[26]: False
When declaring a symbol you can set assumptions that are needed for simplification like this to be possible:
In [27]: x = Symbol('x', real=True)
In [28]: y = Symbol('y', positive=True)
In [29]: sqrt(x**2)
Out[29]: │x│
In [30]: sqrt(y**2)
Out[30]: y