The problem being solved is finding the truss with the least weight, exactly done as on this website: This method is also called the ground structure method. I am aiming to add some functionallity to the method through an MILP optimization. Initially, I started with the cvxpy
Linear Programming (LP) solver but since it can't solve MILP I am now using the IBM ILOG CPLEX solver with the python module docplex. Unfortunately I am bumping into an problem, but first in short how the optimization works is:
) and supports (dof
and q
and the constant length property l
, which is guaranteed sparce and symmetric.Model()
object and start solving it...
"build the model"
model = Model()
a = model.continuous_var_list(len(members), name='a', lb=0, ub=1)
q = []
Bcons = []
for k, fk in enumerate(f):
qk = model.continuous_var_list(len(members), name=f'q{k}', lb=-10 ** 10, ub=10 ** 10)
Bconsk = model.add_constraints(
sum(B[i, j] * qk[j] for j in range(len(qk))) == fk[i] for i in range(len(dof)) if dof[i] != 0)
model.add_constraints(qk[i] <= sigma * a[i] for i in range(len(qk)))
model.add_constraints(qk[i] >= -sigma * a[i] for i in range(len(qk)))
model.set_objective('min', sum(a[i] * l[i] for i in range(len(a))))
"solve model and update results"
sol = model.solve()
For small problem sizes (less than 1000 members) the LP converges in the CPLEX solver and works perfectly. However for larger problem sizes (e.g. more than 10 000 members) the problem is 'optimal with unscaled infeasibilities'. What does this mean and how can I solve this larger LP?
What I tried so far:
Nodes: 231 Members: 16290
Model: docplex_model1
- number of variables: 32580
- binary=0, integer=0, continuous=32580
- number of constraints: 33038
- linear=33038
- parameters: defaults
- objective: minimize
- problem type is: LP
status = optimal with unscaled infeasibilities
time = 131.297 s.
problem = LP
The agressive scaling = 1
works as commented by @Philippe Couronne