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Plotting a heatmap (kernel density) using geopandas + geoplot crashes session

I recently posted a question on how to plot a heatmap using geopandas. I was recommended to use geoplot.kdeplot(), but passing a projection crashes my session.

Suppose I have the following data stored in df_points and df_map respectively:

> print(df_points)
        PointID                     geometry
0     204403876  POINT (-101.66700 21.11670)
1     204462769  POINT (-101.66700 21.11670)
2     144407530  POINT (-101.66700 21.11670)

> print(df_map)
     PolyID                                           geometry
0     01001  POLYGON ((-102.10641 22.06035, -102.10368 22.0...
1     01002  POLYGON ((-102.05189 22.29144, -102.05121 22.2...
2     01003  POLYGON ((-102.68569 22.09963, -102.69087 22.0...

This is what I tried, but according to this tutorial, I should pass a projection to the heatmap.

# Import geoplot
import geoplot
import as gcrs

# Plot points
ax = geoplot.kdeplot(df_points, shade=True, alpha=0.7)
# Plot polygons
geoplot.polyplot(df_map, ax=ax)

bad projection

However, if I add projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), my session crashes:

# Plot heatmap
ax = geoplot.kdeplot(df_points, cmap='Reds', shade=True,
                     projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea()) # This crashes my session ):
# Add polygons
geoplot.polyplot(df_map, ax=ax)

python3: geos_ts_c.cpp:3991: int GEOSCoordSeq_getSize_r(GEOSContextHandle_t, const geos::geom::CoordinateSequence*, unsigned int*): Assertion `0 != cs' failed.

How can I pass projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea() and avoid the error?


  • I'm commenting on a previous question: I've just run the example in the official geoplot reference with Colab and experienced a similar crash. After some research I found that the crash was caused by shaply and uninstalled and reinstalled it and the graphs were displayed as per the reference. Please give it a try.

    pip uninstall shapely
    pip install shapely --no-binary shapely

    Here are the answers that helped me