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I have a file in the .sec path, when I convert it to mp4 or avi format with ffmpeg, the video comes out very fast

When I convert my .sec file to mp4 or avi format using ffmpeg, the video is very fast

the pipe i use

ffmpeg -i 07302323_2300.sec output.mp4

the pipe i used took 30 minutes to 43 seconds

ffmpeg -i 07302323_2300.sec -r 27 -filter:v "setpts=4.1*PTS" output.mp4

If this is the pipe I use, I extend the time a little bit, but the video is distorted.

Any ideas on what I can do?


  • the problem is in my .sec file

    When I ran it with ffplay, the original image was broken and it was very fast.

    -filter:v "setpts=4.1*PTS" although this method slowed down my video a bit, it didn't work for me because of frame loss