I am using Grafana to visualize metrics from Prometheus and logs from Loki about an app. There are log statements such as:
{"action": "action_a", "username": "user_1", "ts": 1012}
{"action": "action_a", "username": "user_2", "ts": 1008}
{"action": "action_a", "username": "user_1", "ts": 1005}
{"action": "action_a", "username": "user_1", "ts": 1000}
and I have a query to get a list of the "recently active users", using the Grafana Logs panel:
{job="my-app"} | json | username != "" | line_format "{{.username}}"
I have tried all values of Deduplication
, and this mostly works fine, except in the (common) case where users are making actions in between each other (as above), then I get logs like this:
How can I make it so it only shows each user one time?, eg:
Try something like this:
count by (username) (count_over_time({job="my-app"} | json | username != "" [$__range]))
You can show this data using, for example, a pie chart on Grafana. See below how to configure this, using a different log file and a different label ("branch" instead of "username"):