I've had a look at multiple programs, scripts, plug ins etc, i'm trying to find the best one, I'd prefer a free one but if there is a decent one worth paying for then I'll use that. Just wondered if anyone had any recommendations, and what the best of optimising regarding further extension that isn't just keywords and meta tags within the original HTML files.
I would highly recommend reading Googles SEO guide , they have loads of hints and things to avoid getting blacklisted or ignored. And since it is Google they know what they are on about, not so much a program or script to do it for you but helpful none the less. I found it useful anyway, hopefully you will too.
A lot of scripts out there will probably do some unscrupulous and nasty things to push up your search rankings which often result in you being blacklisted, this also shows what to not do which is more useful than what you should do. A lot of it is basic but theres a lot of goodness in there as well.