I have an array of
shop objects
which belong to city objects
I'd like to end up with a hash listed by prefecture, then city, then frequency...
I came up with this, but it feels really un-rubylike..
city_by_prefecture = shop_list.reduce({}){ |h,e|
if h[e.prefecture.name].nil?
h[e.prefecture.name] = {e.city.name => 1}
elsif h[e.prefecture.name][e.city.name].nil?
h[e.prefecture.name][e.city.name] = 1
h[e.prefecture.name][e.city.name] += 1
There must be a DRY-er way to do this !
city_by_prefecture = shop_list.each_with_object({}){ |e,h|
h[e.prefecture.name] ||= Hash.new(0)
h[e.prefecture.name][e.city.name] += 1