Search code examples

Ranking functions and Joins

I have the following tables.


Ord_num item_code Unit_sales_price
1111 1 50
1111 2 40
1111 3 30
1111 4 20
1111 5 10
2222 3 30


Ord_num Shipment_num Item_code Qty_to_pick Qty_picked
1111 1 1 100 100
1111 2 1 100 100
1111 3 2 100 100
2222 3 3 200 200

I want the table as follows,

Ord_num Shipment_num Item_code Qty_to_pick Qty_picked Unit_sales_price Total_price (Unit_sales_price*Qty_picked)
1111 3 2 100 100 40 4000
2222 3 3 200 200 30 6000

With the help of this community, I found a very similar answer i.e, Link to that answer, Similar question

    select *
  select t1.*, max(shipment_num) over (partition by ord_num) as orders_max_ship_num
  from pick_det t1
) with_max
where shipment_num = orders_max_ship_num
order by ord_num, item_code;

My question is, where do I join the Order_det table to get the Unit_sales_price value to the already retrieved max shipment_num rows from pick_det table?


  • You can simply base a query on yours:

    with s as
      select *
        select t1.*, max(shipment_num) over (partition by ord_num) as orders_max_ship_num
        from pick_det t1
      ) with_max
      where shipment_num = orders_max_ship_num
      s.ord_num, s.shipment_num, s.item_code, s.qty_to_pick, s.qty_picked,
      od.unit_sales_price, od.unit_sales_price * s.qty_picked as total_price
    from s
    join order_det od on od.ord_num = s.ord_num and od.item_code = s.item_code
    order by s.ord_num, s.item_code;

    Or you apply the join right away:

      s.ord_num, s.shipment_num, s.item_code, s.qty_to_pick, s.qty_picked,
      od.unit_sales_price, od.unit_sales_price * s.qty_picked as total_price
      select t1.*, max(shipment_num) over (partition by ord_num) as orders_max_ship_num
      from pick_det t1
    ) s
    join order_det od on od.ord_num = s.ord_num and od.item_code = s.item_code
    where s.shipment_num = s.orders_max_ship_num
    order by s.ord_num, s.item_code;