This bug is appearing only in Safari on Mac OS and only with the current set up in our application. Initially I though it was a z-index
issue, since some elements disappeared after updating that value.
Although there's a last element that has no z-index
value and it's always displayed on top of the full-screen video.
--see screenshot below--
I have tried removing all styling from the bar you see on the screen and it would still appear on top of the video.
--see screenshot below--
As you can see the elements within the bar are still visible.
I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on or jsfiddle and nothing is currently available in Stackoverflow or GitHub.
removing will-change
property from the container solved the issue.
The problem that caused this issue was the property will-change
set to one of the containers of this video element.
The structure of the application is quite complex so I am not going to post the whole code here. Although by moving around the video element in the inspector and testing the full-screen functionality every time, I narrow down the problem to one div container that had this property.
If you guys find out the exact reason why the default full-screen functionality of safari broke down because of the will-change
property, post a comment or an answer since it will be very appreciated.