With sinon, I'm trying to spy on a prototype method. It looks so simple in online howtos etc. I tried many websites and SO posts like this: Stubbing a class method with Sinon.js or sinon - spy on toString method, but it just doesn't work for me.
I'm using http.d.ts https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/_http_outgoing.js to write data back from an async API call through an OutgoingMessage
class OutgoingMessage extends stream.Writable
There is a prototype method end
in OutgoingMessage
OutgoingMessage.prototype.end = function end(chunk, encoding, callback) {
My API function is called like this:
Get = async (req:IncomingMessage,res:OutgoingMessage):Promise<void> => {...
My tests
In my test I'm calling the Get
method. My IncomingMessage
determines what I expect to be in the OutgoingMessage
it("should call end with the correct value", async function(){
let outgoingMessageSpy = sinon.spy(OutgoingMessage.prototype,"end");
let anOutgoingMessage = <OutgoingMessage>{};
Debugging the test case I see how end
is being called but apparently I have not set up my spy the right way as my expectation fails, calledOnce
is false
. Inspecting the object I see that calledCount
is 0
I'm doing basically the same (it appears to me) when I do
const toStringSpy = sinon.spy(Number.prototype, "toString");
and that works. I do notice, though, that VS Code highlights the keyword prototype
differently for Number.prototype
and OutgoingMessage.prototype
. Is that of relevance? On mouse-over is says NumberConstructor.prototype
but only OutgoingMessage.prototype
How to set up the spy correctly to pick up the call to the prototype method end
You have set up the spy correctly. BUT, there are conditions which can make the spy fail. For example: I saw you use async function, maybe you are not awaiting correctly on your async function test. Example below to show you that condition.
I have a very simple http server which has response with delay.
I create your Get method like this:
// File: get.ts
import { IncomingMessage, OutgoingMessage } from 'http';
import delay from 'delay';
const Get = async (req: IncomingMessage, res: OutgoingMessage): Promise<void> => {
console.log('Get start');
// I add this to show you that this async function need to be awaited.
await delay(200);
data: 'Hello World!'
console.log('Get finish');
export default Get;
And I create the main index.ts file.
// File: index.ts
import http, { IncomingMessage, OutgoingMessage } from 'http';
import Get from './get';
const server = http.createServer((req: IncomingMessage, res: OutgoingMessage) => {
console.log('Receiving IncomingMessage');
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Get(req, res);
const port = 8000;
server.on('listening', () => {
console.log(`Listen http on ${port}`);
I create the test file: get.spec.ts
// File: get.spec.ts
import sinon from 'sinon';
import http, { OutgoingMessage } from 'http';
import { Socket } from 'net';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import Get from './get';
describe('GET', () => {
it('should call end with the correct value', async () => {
// I copy paste from your code with minor code style edit.
const outgoingMessageSpy = sinon.spy(OutgoingMessage.prototype, 'end');
const socket = new Socket();
const incoming = new http.IncomingMessage(socket);
const outgoing = new http.OutgoingMessage();
// This is just some private property which need to be set.
(outgoing as any)._header = true;
// NOTE: If you want invalid response, remove the "await".
await Get(incoming, outgoing);
// Set the debug message here before expect.
console.log('SPY Counter:', outgoingMessageSpy.callCount);
console.log('SPY CalledOnce:', outgoingMessageSpy.calledOnce);
When I run using ts-mocha from terminal, the result is like this:
$ npx ts-mocha get.spec.ts
Get start
Get finish
SPY Counter: 1
SPY CalledOnce: true
✓ should call end with the correct value (204ms)
1 passing (206ms)
You see that you have setup the spy to OutgoingMessage.prototype.end correctly.
BUT, when you remove await inside the test (see NOTE inside get.spec.ts file), this is the result:
$ npx ts-mocha get.spec.ts
Get start
SPY Counter: 0
SPY CalledOnce: false
1) should call end with the correct value
0 passing (8ms)
1 failing
1) GET
should call end with the correct value:
AssertionError: expected false to be true
+ expected - actual
Get finish
The condition is: end method get called correctly but after the it test has been evaluated.