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Volume creation MAPR

I am pretty new to MapR and I have a task about creating a MapR volume. I used this command

maprcli volume create -name test-volume -path /MyCluster/apps/application_logs/node1

to create the volume but I get this error:

ERROR (2) -  Failed to mount test-volume, parent of mount dir /MyCluster/apps/application_logs/node1 does not exist, No such file or directory

Before running the command I created this path '/MyCluster/apps/application_logs/node1' using mkdir :

Does anyone know why I get this error and if someone can help me with fixing it?

Thank you.


  • When you say;

    I created this path '/MyCluster/apps/application_logs/node1' using mkdir

    I assume that you have created it in local file system. The path parameter needs to be created in MapR file system.

    To do that, you can either create the dir by interacting with MapR file system directly as follows;

    hadoop fs -mkdir -p <path>

    or you can mount MapR fs to local file system so that you can interact with it from mount point; /mapr/<cluster-name>/

    From the doc;

    Parameter: path
         Default Value: No default value 
         Possible Values: Any valid path. 
         Description: The path at which to mount the volume. The path must be relative to / and cannot be in the form of a global namespace path (for example, /mapr/<cluster-name>/).