I wanted to add a link to a local file, like "file:///C:/dir/some/file.pdf", in TYPO3. I can add the link in the backend-text editor moreover; when I display the source-code, the Link is correct. However, in the frontend the url of this same link is missing in the html-code which means the browser won't display it as a link (obviously because it is not a valid link at this point).
Example code in the backend:
<a href="file:///N:/Path/links/link/">Link-Name</a></p>
Result in the front end:
<a target="_blank">Link-Name</a>
Do any of you have an idea how I can fix this problem?
If you want to add a file:///
link in the Rich Text Editor (htmlarea) of TYPO3 up to 7.6, you need to add the parameter rtekeep="1"
to the link, e.g. like this:
<a href="file:///N:/Path/links/link/" rtekeep="1">Link-Name</a>
As far as I know this doesn't work in TYPO3 8.7 and newer versions which use a new Rich Text Editor called CKEditor.
By the way, not all browsers support the file://
protocol anymore.