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How to Center an Arc on the Canvas - Jetpack Compose?

I'm not sure how can I do the calculation in order to center this arc on the canvas? Can someone point me in the proper direction?

Canvas(modifier = Modifier
) {
            color = Color.Blue,
            startAngle = 30f,
            sweepAngle = 300f,
            useCenter = false,
            style = Stroke(width = 50f, cap = StrokeCap.Round),
            size = size/2.25F


  • Use the topLeft parameter in the drawArc method.

    Something like:

        val sizeArc = size/2.25F
            color = Color.Blue,
            startAngle = 30f,
            sweepAngle = 300f,
            topLeft = Offset((size.width - sizeArc.width)/2f,(size.height - sizeArc.height)/2f),
            useCenter = false,
            style = Stroke(width = 50f, cap = StrokeCap.Round),
            size = sizeArc

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