The documentation shows how to do it with mongosh
, but how do you create Time Series Collection
using pymongo
from within a python script?
import pymongo
import time
from datetime import datetime
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client['time-series-db']
col = db['time-series-col']
# ... do something here to make it 'time-series collection' ...
js = {
"1": "A",
"2": "B",
"3": "C",
"4": "D",
"5": "E",
# create BSON type datetime object needed for 'time-series collection'
ts = time.time()
js['timestamp'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
You can try this:
conn = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost')
db = conn.testDB
db.create_collection('testColl', timeseries={ 'timeField': 'timestamp' })
# - OR -
db.command('create', 'testColl', timeseries={ 'timeField': 'timestamp', 'metaField': 'data', 'granularity': 'hours' })
General Reference: Time Series Collections