Hello i have app written in flutter which uses data from parse server. According to flutter doc:
/// Reset password
response = await user.requestPasswordReset();
if (response.success) {
user = response.result;
I'd like to send e-mail using my parser with change password link. When i press button with that function assigned - i get information: "E-mail sent" On flutter side i'm getting that output:
Function: ParseApiRQ.requestPasswordReset
I/flutter (28247): Status Code: 200
I/flutter (28247): Payload: {"className":"_User","email":"[email protected]"}
On parser side i have installed something like this: simple-parse-smtp-adapter Configured as doc says.
I don't getting any Error/Info logs from parser. Can you tell me how to configure it properly? Maybe you know other way - how to connect flutter with parser to send e-mail verification or password change e-mails.
After couple days i finally resolved this problem with help of @DaviMacêdo. I implemented Sendgrid Adapter. In your parse node-modules folder install this module using cmd:
npm i parse-server-sendgrid-adapter
Remember to require module at the top of the file:
var SimpleSendGridAdapter = require('parse-server-sendgrid-adapter');
var api = new ParseServer({
emailAdapter: SimpleSendGridAdapter({
apiKey: 'sendgridApiKey',
fromAddress: 'fromEmailAddress',
You can get api key here and set up sender e-mail here
I hope it helps saving much time for others facing the same problem!