I have a table with huge sets of rows. There are a few record with a strange unicode character like: \uDB6D
Due this I get an error in my SQL report builder:
ERROR: An exception has occurred in data set 'DataSet1'. Details: System.Text.EncoderFallbackException: Unable to translate Unicode character \uDB6D at index 184 to specified code page.
I tried several queries but I am unable to find the row with the unicode. How to trace the record and eventually delete it?
These are the queries I tried:
FROM dbo.TestTable
WHERE SomeString LIKE N'%�%';
FROM dbo.TestTable
WHERE SomeString LIKE CONCAT('%',UNICODE(0xDB6D),'%');
does the magic:
select *
from dbo.TestTable
where charindex(nchar(0xDB6D), SomeString) > 0