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Body text after latex title page not showing, Rmarkdown

I have successfully been able to add a latex title page to my Rmarkdown file, but the rest of the document doesn't appear. Here is my YAML:


      in_header: title.tex

I haven't changed anything else in the Rmarkdown file, it has the standard text starting with: This is an Rmarkdown document etc. I include my title.tex file:


        \textbf {\Huge Applied Spatial Data Analysis} % MAIN TITLE
        {\LARGE Assignment 1} % SUBTITLE
        {\LARGE Geostatistics}
        {\Large NAME }  % AUTHOR
        {\Large STUDENT NUMBER}
        Department of Statistical Sciences\\
        University of Cape Town\\
        South Africa\\


I am relatively new to Rmarkdown and have no idea why the standard Rmarkdown text isn't showing in knitted pdf. Any help will be much appreciated.


  • The problem is that with the \begin{document}...\end{document} you tell latex that it should ignore everything after that. Instead you could issue the content of the title page \AtBeginDocument{...}


            \textbf {\Huge Applied Spatial Data Analysis} % MAIN TITLE
            {\LARGE Assignment 1} % SUBTITLE
            {\LARGE Geostatistics}
            {\Large John Doe }  % AUTHOR
            {\Large something}
            Department of Statistical Sciences\\
            University of Cape Town\\
            South Africa\\

    Furthermore, I had to remove the empty line in

          in_header: title.tex

    enter image description here