My goal is to read many files into R, and ultimately, run a Root Mean Square Error (rmse
) function on each pair of columns within each file.
I have this code:
#This calls all the files into a dataframe
filnames <- dir("~/Desktop/LGsampleHUCsWgraphs/testRSMEs", pattern = "*_45Fall_*")
#This reads each file
read_data <- function(z){
dat <- read_excel(z, skip = 0, )
#This combines them into one list and splits them by the names in the first column
datalist <- lapply(filnames, read_data)
bigdata <- rbindlist(datalist, use.names = T)
splitByHUCs <- split(bigdata, f = bigdata$HUC...1 , sep = "\n", lex.order = TRUE)
So far, all is working well. Now I want to apply an rmse
[library(Metrics)] analysis on each of the "splits" created above. I don't know what to call the "splits". Here I have used names but that is an R reserved word and won't work. I tried the bigdata object but that didn't work either. I also tried to use splitByHUCs, and rMSEs.
rMSEs <- sapply(splitByHUCs, function(x) rmse(names$Predicted, names$Actual))
write.csv(rMSEs, file = "~/Desktop/testRMSEs.csv")
The rmse
code works fine when I run it on a single file and create a name for the dataframe:
bcc1F1010002 <- read_excel("bcc1_45Fall_1010002.xlsm")
rmse(bcc1F1010002$Predicted, bcc1F1010002$Actual)
The "splits" are named by the "splitByHUCs" script, like this:
They are named for the file they came from, appropriately. I need some kind of reference name for the rmse
formula and I don't know what it would be. Any ideas? Thanks. I made some small versions of the files, but I don't know how to add them here.
As it is a list
, we can loop over the list
with sapply/lapply
as in the OP's code, but the names$
is incorrect as the lambda function object is x
which signifies each of the elements of the list
(i.e. a data.frame). Therefore, instead of names$
, use x$
sapply(splitByHUCs, function(x) rmse(x$Predicted, x$Actual))