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WooCommerce - Display how many people have a product in their cart with conditional message

I'm using Show how many people have added a product in their current cart to display how many people have added a product in their current cart on the Shop and Single Product pages; similar to what you see on stores like Etsy.

The snippet works as is but it would be nice to conditionally change the message depending on if there is 1 user vs. multiple people (i.e "1 person has this in their cart right now." vs "10 people have this in their carts right now.").

If anyone has any suggestions on the best way to handle that it would be appreciated. :)

function show_no_of_people_added_in_cart(){
    global $wpdb, $product;
    $in_basket = 0;
    $wc_session_data = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT session_key FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_sessions" );
    $wc_session_keys = wp_list_pluck( $wc_session_data, 'session_key' );
    if( $wc_session_keys ) {
        foreach ( $wc_session_keys as $key => $_customer_id ) { 
            // if you want to skip current viewer cart item in counts or else can remove belows checking
            if( WC()->session->get_customer_id() == $_customer_id ) continue;
            $session_contents = WC()->session->get_session( $_customer_id, array() );
            $cart_contents = maybe_unserialize( $session_contents['cart'] );
            if( $cart_contents ){
                foreach ( $cart_contents as $cart_key => $item ) {
                    if( $item['product_id'] == $product->get_id() ) {
                        $in_basket += 1;

    if( $in_basket ) 
        echo '<div class="in-basket">' . sprintf( __( '%d people have this in their cart', 'text-domain' ), $in_basket ) . '</div>';


add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'show_no_of_people_added_in_cart', 11 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'show_no_of_people_added_in_cart', 21 );


  • You can use for this situations function _n

    The code after changing

    function show_no_of_people_added_in_cart(){
        global $wpdb, $product;
        $in_basket = 0;
        $wc_session_data = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT session_key FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_sessions" );
        $wc_session_keys = wp_list_pluck( $wc_session_data, 'session_key' );
        if( $wc_session_keys ) {
            foreach ( $wc_session_keys as $key => $_customer_id ) { 
                // if you want to skip current viewer cart item in counts or else can remove belows checking
                if( WC()->session->get_customer_id() == $_customer_id ) continue;
                $session_contents = WC()->session->get_session( $_customer_id, array() );
                $cart_contents = maybe_unserialize( $session_contents['cart'] );
                if( $cart_contents ){
                    foreach ( $cart_contents as $cart_key => $item ) {
                        if( $item['product_id'] == $product->get_id() ) {
                            $in_basket += 1;
        if( $in_basket ) 
            echo '<div class="in-basket">' . sprintf(_n( '%s person have this in their cart', '%s people have this in their cart', $in_basket, 'text-domain' ), number_format_i18n($in_basket ) ) . '</div>';
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'show_no_of_people_added_in_cart', 11 );
    add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'show_no_of_people_added_in_cart', 21 );