I have two XML files which I load from a third party source. Both files have different data, except a unique ID which is also provided in both files. So the files look like this (roughly sketched)
XML 1:
<cinemaname>Best Cinema</cinemaname>
XML 2:
<street>Best Street 5</street>
<place>Best Town</place>
Each XML-File has multiple entries linked to each other by the two IDs. I don't really combine them in one file, I want to display the cinema name with the address on a website. I just thought maybe the best solution is to first combine and then iterate through one file.
I read the XML-Files from a URL with curl and then do simplexml_load_string()
the curl output to have readable XML.
I iterate with a foreach-loop over the first XML-File and inside that foreach over the other and try to compare with an if-statement. But it is not showing the expected outcome. It shows each cinema multiple times because of the nested loop.
How can I just show a list of cinemas with the address from two XML-Files. Do have to combine them first? How can I do this with PHP?
Thanks in advance!
You could use a function to convert your xml to an associative array, and then re-order and render the data to fit your needs.
Feed the function with an array of xml files, e.g.:
$arr = xmlToArray(['data1.xml', 'data2.xml']);
function xmlToArray(array $xmlFiles = []): array
$arr = [];
foreach ($xmlFiles as $file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);
$json = json_encode($xml);
$arr[] = json_decode($json, TRUE);
} else {
echo 'Error: failed to open ' . $file . '!';
return $arr;
Then merge the address data for each cinema based on cinemaid
$cinemaStore = [];
foreach ($arr[0]['cinema'] as $cinema) {
foreach ($arr[1]['address'] as $address) {
if ($address['cinemaid'] == $cinema['cinemaid']) {
$cinemaStore[$cinema['cinemaname']] = $address;
Based on the xml structure you provided this should give you something like this (I added two more cinemas):
[Best Cinema] => Array
[addressid] => 456
[cinemaid] => 123
[street] => Best Street 5
[postal] => 54332
[place] => Best Town
[Worst Cinema] => Array
[addressid] => 444
[cinemaid] => 222
[street] => Worst Street 5
[postal] => 42424
[place] => Worst Town
[Coolest Cinema] => Array
[addressid] => 555
[cinemaid] => 333
[street] => Coolest Street 5
[postal] => 53535
[place] => Coolest Town
It should now be trivial to render the data in your view.