In Blazor Web Assembly project I referenced Ubuntu font as default font for the project, when I load any page I got the following warning in console:
downloadable font: glyf: Number of composite points in glyph 1258 exceeds maxp maxCompositePoints: 165 vs 150, adjusting limit. (font-family: "MyFont" style:normal weight:400 stretch:100 src index:0) source: https://localhost:1111/fonts/Ubuntu-Medium.ttf
This issue is just in Firefox browser.
Environment: windows 10
Unfortunately I found no solution to fix it, is there any way to fix this issue?
I'm not 100% sure if I interpreted the warning correctly.
The font you're using seems to be violating the TrueTypeFont Standard.
Maybe consider using another Version of the Font. Or simply ignore the warning , if there are no further problems with this font.
Here are further sources on TTF:
Apparently the font you're using is available via the google fonts API.
Here's how to get started: link
Note that using this approach, your browser will fetch the fonts directly from google. Also the fonts will be in woff2 format.