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Implementing for loops as batches

I'm performing 2 big for loop tasks on a dataframe column. The context being what I'm calling "text corruption"; turning perfectly structured text into text full of both missing punctuation and misspellings, to mimic human errors.

I found that running 10,000s rows was extremely slow, even after optimizing the for loops.

I discovered a process called Batching, on this post.

The top answer provides a concise template that I imagine is much faster than regular for loop iterations.

How might I use that answer to reimplement the following code? (I added a comment to it asking more about it).

Or; might there be any technique that makes my for loops considerably quicker?

import pandas as pd
import random
import re

# example
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Forname', 'Surname', 'Sentence'])
df.loc['0'] = ['Bob', 'Smith', 'Hi, this is a perfectly constructred sentence!']
df.loc['1'] = ['Alice', 'Smith', 'Can you tell this is fake data?']
df.loc['2'] = ['John', 'Smith', 'This poster needs help!']
df.loc['3'] = ['Michael', 'Smith', 'Apparently, this poster is sturggling a bit LOL']
df.loc['4'] = ['Daniel', 'Smith', 'More fake data here; ok.']
df.loc['5'] = ['Sarah', 'Smith', 'Will need to think up of better ideas.']
df.loc['6'] = ['Matthew', 'Smith', 'Love a good bit of Python, me.']
df.loc['7'] = ['Jane', 'Smith', 'Is this a sentence?! (I think so).']
df.loc['8'] = ['Peter', 'Smith', "Remarkable - isn't it?"]
df.loc['9'] = ['Chloe', 'Smith', "Foo Bar... that's all that is left to say."]


punctuation_marks = ['?', '…', '!', '.', ',', '—', '–', '–', ':', ';', '\"', '\'', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}']
p = 0.5 # changeable

for idx, string in enumerate(df['Sentence']):
  for punc in punctuation_marks:
    if punc in string:
      CHANCE = (random.randint(1, 100)) / 100
      if CHANCE <= p:
        df['Sentence'][idx] = string.replace(punc, '')

misspellings_corpus = open('misspellings_corpus.txt', 'r')
misspellings = misspellings_corpus.readlines()

for idx, string in enumerate(df['Sentence']):
  word_list = re.sub("[^\w]", " ",  string).split() # removes punctuation
  for word in word_list:
    CHANCE = (random.randint(1, 100)) / 100
    try: # break middle for-loop
      for ms in misspellings:
        if (word in ms) and (CHANCE <= p):
          wrong = ms.split('->')[0]
          correct = ms.split('->')[1][:-2] # removes '\n'
          if ',' in correct: correct = random.choice(my_str.split(',')).strip() # only 1 correct spelling
          if correct in string:
            df['Sentence'][idx] = string.replace(correct, wrong)
            raise StopIteration
    except StopIteration: pass

misspellings_corpus.txt (snippet):


Note: I can paste more example lines if wanted.


  • apply can be used to invoke a function on each row and is much faster than a for loop (vectorized functions are even faster). I've done a few things to make life easier and more performant:

    • convert your text file into a dict. This will be more performant and easier to work with than raw text.
    • put all the corruption logic in a function. This will be easier to maintain and allows us to use apply
    • cleaned up/modified the logic a bit. What I show below is not exactly what you asked but should be easy to adapt.

    ok, here is the code:

    import io
    import random
    # this generates a dict {'word1':['list', 'of', 'misspellings'],} where s is a string copied above file
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(io.StringIO(s), columns=["subs"])
    sub_dict = df2.subs.str.strip().str.split("->", expand=True).set_index(1)[0].str.split(",").to_dict()
    sub_dict["fake"] = ["fak", "fkae", "fke"]
    sub_dict["tell"] = ["tel"]
    sub_dict["this"] = ["tis", "htsi"]
    sub_dict["data"] = ["dat", "dta"]
    def corrupt(sentence, sub_dict, p=0.5):
        # logic is similar but not identical to your code
        for k, v in sub_dict.items():
            if k in sentence and random.random() <= p:
                 corrupted_word = random.choice(v)
                 sentence = sentence.replace(k, corrupted_word)
        return sentence

    Now the apply bit:

    df["corrupted"] = df.Sentence.apply(lambda sentence: corrupt(sentence, sub_dict))
    # works as expected, see second sentence
       Forname Surname                                         Sentence                                        corrupted
    0      Bob   Smith   Hi, this is a perfectly constructred sentence!   Hi, this is a perfectly constructred sentence!
    1    Alice   Smith                  Can you tell this is fake data?                    Can you tel htsi is fake dta?
    2     John   Smith                          This poster needs help!                          This poster needs help!
    3  Michael   Smith  Apparently, this poster is sturggling a bit LOL  Apparently, this poster is sturggling a bit LOL
    4   Daniel   Smith                         More fake data here; ok.                           More fke dat here; ok.
    5    Sarah   Smith           Will need to think up of better ideas.           Will need to think up of better ideas.
    6  Matthew   Smith                   Love a good bit of Python, me.                   Love a good bit of Python, me.
    7     Jane   Smith               Is this a sentence?! (I think so).               Is this a sentence?! (I think so).
    8    Peter   Smith                           Remarkable - isn't it?                           Remarkable - isn't it?
    9    Chloe   Smith       Foo Bar... that's all that is left to say.       Foo Bar... that's all that is left to say.

    now lets compare performance with a for-loop:

    df_test1 = df.sample(n=10000, replace=True)
    df_test2 = df.sample(n=10000, replace=True)
    def loop(df):
        for idx, string in enumerate(df['Sentence']):
            corrupted_sentence = corrupt(string, sub_dict)
            df['Sentence'][idx] = corrupted_sentence
    %timeit df_test1.Sentence.apply(lambda sentence: corrupt(sentence, sub_dict))
    # 36.5 ms ± 1.47 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    %timeit loop(df_test2)
    # 5.19 s ± 98.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

    woohoo! It's way faster.