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REGEX: To extract particular string from path

I am looking to extract particular string from path.

For example, I have to extract 4th value separated by (.) from filename. which is "lm" in below examples.



This will extract full file name:



  • You can use


    Or, if .log must be the extension:


    See the regex demo. Details:

    • .* - any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible
    • \/ - a / char
    • (?:[^.\/]*\.){3} - three occurrences of zero or more chars other than . and / as many as possible and a dot
    • (?<value>[^.\/]*) - Group "value": zero or more chars other than . and / as many as possible
    • [^\/]* - zero or more chars other than /
    • \.log - a .log substring
    • $ - end of string.