I am trying to make pdf from screenshot with screenshot and pdf plugins in flutter.
When I pass Uint8List to pdf creation function I am getting error at PdfImage.file(pdf.document, bytes: screenShot
The argument type 'PdfImage' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ImageProvider' The code to convert to pdf is
Future getPdf(Uint8List screenShot) async {
pw.Document pdf = pw.Document();
pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4,
build: (context) {
return pw.Expanded(
child: pw.Image(PdfImage.file(pdf.document, bytes: screenShot), fit: pw.BoxFit.contain)
File pdfFile = File('Your path + File name');
pdfFile.writeAsBytesSync(await pdf.save());
and passing the screenshot to the pdf function is below
Uint8List _imageFile;
screenshotController.capture().then((Uint8List image) {
//Capture Done
setState(() {
_imageFile = image;
}).catchError((onError) {
Can anyone help me with this?
Try this way:
Future getPdf(Uint8List screenShot) async {
pw.Document pdf = pw.Document();
pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4,
build: (context) {
return pw.Expanded(
// change this line to this:
child: pw.Image(pw.MemoryImage(screenshot), fit: pw.BoxFit.contain),
File pdfFile = File('Your path + File name');
pdfFile.writeAsBytesSync(await pdf.save());