In aws step function i need to call api gateway endpoint with path parameters from previous state values.
Step Function Code (Api Gateway Call)
"API Gateway Request": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::apigateway:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"ApiEndpoint": "****",
"Method": "GET",
"Headers": {
"Accept": [
"Stage": "dev",
"Path": "/sample/$.id",
"AuthType": "IAM_ROLE"
"InputPath": "$.id",
"Next": "Lambda Invoke",
"ResultPath": "$.myStateInput"
Input to this state:
{ "id": "1231" }
Instead of replacing "$.id" as "1231", it just calling url like below
Api Gateway:
Please tell what i'm doing wrong ?
Based on the comments, the solution was to use intrinsic function:
"Path.$": States.Format('/sample/{}', $.id)
State Code
"API Gateway Request": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::apigateway:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"ApiEndpoint": "**",
"Method": "GET",
"Headers": {
"Accept": [
"Stage": "dev",
"Path.$": "States.Format('/sample/{}', $.id)",
"AuthType": "IAM_ROLE"
"Next": "Lambda Invoke",
"ResultPath": "$.myStateInput"