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Handle missing values with Stats Models Local Linear Trend model

I am using statsmodels to fit a Local Linear Trend state space model which inherits from the sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel class using the code from the example in the documentation:

The state space model and Kalman filter should handle missing values naturally but when I add some null values the state space model outputs nulls. In another example in the docs, implementing SARIMAX it appears that missing data appears to be handled automatically:

Is there a way to handle missing values in the same way for a Local Linear Trend model?


  • Chad Fulton replied to the issue I raised on github:

    The statespace models can indeed handle NaN values in the endog variable. I think the issue is that in this example code, the starting parameters are computed as:

    def start_params(self):
        return [np.std(self.endog)]*3

    To handle NaN values in the data, you'd want to replace this with:

    def start_params(self):
        return [np.nanstd(self.endog)]*3

    This worked.