I have an AspxGridView and a button inside of a DataItem Template of one column. I use Button_Click event for this button and I need to get values of current row in this event when I click on this button. AspxGridView's events' have "e.Keys[]" or "e.KeyValue" etc properties but I couldn't find anything for the button EventArgs. How can I get the values of columns or KeyValue? Thanks in advance.
You can also use the Container.keyvalue approach like this:
<dxwgv:GridViewDataTextColumn VisibleIndex="3" Caption="Simple Hyperlink Column">
<a id="clickElement" target="_blank" href="Default2.aspx?id=<%# Container.KeyValue%>"><%# "Show New Form, Key Field = " + Eval("CategoryID").ToString()%></a>
Sample online here: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/e/E993.aspx