I'm looking for a possibility to add entries by different users and groups. In my app there are different users and different groups where one user can belong to multiple groups. The goal is that some of the groups have sensitive data so I only want members of this group to be able to read the entries but some data should be available in multiple groups. It should also be possible to only see some information. (e.g. See the name but not the address)
For now I have the decorator @login_required
for all my views and @permission_required
for a persons_view. Therefore you have to be a registered user to see anything, which is great but not quite enough.
I also created groups (via the admin area) but can't filter the data for each model/view. The group either sees the data or they don't.
The registration of users is connceted to an already existing ldap system (where those groups are pre-defined. Would be great to use those!)
Is there a possibility to add entries only for a special group and view only some of the given information?
Thanks for the help!
for NOT class based views works this function to give permission to a whole view.
# views.py
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, user_passes_test
def user_check(user):
return user.groups.filter(name="Admin")
def view(request):