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Typo3 - Use FlexForm value for DataQueryProcessor in TypoScript

I have a content element that stores values in a FlexForm (eg. 1234). The value represents an UID of a database table.

What i want to do:

  • Get the single value which is stored in the FlexForm (Already working)
  • Run a database query with this value
  • Show the data in the frontend

Problem: I don't know how to hand over the FlexForm value to the where-clause of the DB query.

tt_content {
  my_addresscontainer =< lib.contentElement
  my_addresscontainer {

    templateName = AddressContainer
    templateRootPaths {
      10 = EXT:xyz/Resources/Private/Partials/ContentElements/
    partialRootPaths {
      10 = EXT:xyz/Resources/Private/Partials

    dataProcessing {
        1 = xyz\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor
        1 {
            options {
                if.isTrue.field = pi_flexform
                fieldName = pi_flexform
            as = content

        10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
               10 {
                  table = tt_address
                  pidInList = 19
                  markers {
                        myuid.value = 191901 <- This should be handed over...
                  where = uid =###myuid###
                  as = address_record

Thank you in advance.


  • If you just want to access the flexform value from your plugin/content element you can do that without a custom FlexFormProcessor. Use the data type flexform, e.g. like this:

    dataProcessing {
      10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
      10 {
        table = tt_address
        pidInList = 19 = flexform:pi_flexform:settings.myuid

    You need to adjust settings.myuid according to the naming in your flexform. See the TypoScript Reference for details on the data type flexform.

    If you need your custom FlexFormProcessor, you need to nest the dataProcessing, something like this:

    dataProcessing {
      1 = xyz\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor
      1 {
        options {
          if.isTrue.field = pi_flexform
          fieldName = pi_flexform
        as = content
        dataProcessing {
          1 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
          1 {
            table = tt_address
            pidInList = 19
            markers {
                  myuid.value = 191901 <- This should be handed over...
            where.wrap = uid =|
            as = address_record

    The important line is the where.wrap where you use the value from the first dataProcessing.