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Can I make a Poller start his cycle with WAIT after start() command?

In my Integration Flow I change from standard flow to an error flow in some error condition, stopping the standardStateEntryPoint and starting the errorStateEntryPoint via sending the start/stop command messages to the Control Channel.

The errorStateEntryPoint is this:

public IntegrationFlow errorStateEntryPoint() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from(
            () -> new GenericMessage<String>(""),
                    e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(ERROR_STATE_POLLING))

It has a Poller with a fixed delay of 5_000 ms. The recognized lifecycle when started is

send -> wait -> send -> wait etc.

Is it possible to have the inverse lifecycle, starting with the delay?

wait -> send -> wait -> send etc.


  • What I've found out:

    You might set the initialDelay of the poller. If your poller has a period of 5.000 milliseconds without an initial delay, it is working this way:

    send -> wait -> send -> wait  etc.

    If you set the same 5.000 milliseconds as initial delay, it is working exactly as required:

    wait -> send -> wait -> send etc.

    The initial delay is the second argument setting p.fixedDelay(...). Then the errorStateEntryPoint polling channel adapter should be this:

    public IntegrationFlow errorStateEntryPoint() {
        return IntegrationFlows.from(
                () -> new GenericMessage<String>(""),
                        e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(ERROR_STATE_POLLING, ERROR_STATE_POLLING))

    That's it.