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Include base64 code of image in csv file using Nifi

I have json array response from InvokeHTTP. I am using the below Flow to convert some json info to csv. One of the json info is id which is used to get image and then convert it to base64. I need to add this base64 code to my csv. I don't understand how to save it in an attribute so that it can be put in AttributeToCsv. Nifi Flowfile diagram to convert json response to csv

Also, I was reading here that it is not recommended to store large values in attributes due to memory concern. What would be an optimal approach in this scenario.

Json response during first call:

[ {
  "fileNumber" : "1",
   "uuid" : "abc",
  "attachedFiles" : [ {
    "id" : "bkjdbkjdsf",
    "name" : "image1.png",
  }, {
    "id" : "xzcv",
    "name" : "image2.png",
  } ],
  { "fileNumber" : "2",
   "uuid" : "def",
  "attachedFiles" : [],

Final Csv (after merge or expected output):

Id,File Name, File Data(base64 code)
bkjdbkjdsf,image1.png, iVBORw0KGgo...ji

My approach (will change as per suggestions): After splitting Json response, I use EvaluateJsonPath to get "attachedFiles". I find length of array "attachedFiles" and then decide if need to split further if 2 or more files are there. If 0 then do nothing. In second EvaluateJsonPath I add properties Id,File Name and set the values from json using $.id etc.. I use the Id to invoke other URL which I encode to Base64.

Current output - csv file which needs to be updated with third column File Data(base64 code) and it's value:

Id,File Name


  • as a variant use ExecuteGroovyScript:

    def ff=session.get()
    ff.write{sin, sout->
            //write attribute values for names 'Id' and 'filename' delimited with coma
            w << ff.attributes.with{a->[a.'Id', a.'filaname']}.join(',')
            w << ',' //wtite coma
            //sin.withReader('UTF-8'){r-> w << r} //write current content of the file after last coma
            w << sin.bytes.encodeBase64()
            w << '\n'
    REL_SUCCESS << ff

    UPD: i put sin.bytes.encodeBase64() instead of copying flowfile content. this one creates one-line base64 string for input file. if you are using this option - you should remove Base64EncodeContent to prevent double base64 encoding.